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The Benefits of Wellbeing Solutions

Employee Satisfaction and Retention

In today’s workforce, an organization that invests in an employee’s wellbeing is viewed as an attractive place to work. High employee turnover rates can be extremely costly to your organization. Offering employees our array of wellbeing initiatives is just one way to improve employee satisfaction, and in turn improve an organization’s retention rates.

Enhanced Performance

Studies have shown that employees who are healthy and enjoy their place of work are more productive. Offering Kinergy’s well-being solutions lends to enhancing job satisfaction.

Reduced Absenteeism

Employees who are not working cost your organization valuable time and resources. Offering your organization wellbeing solutions helps to give your employees options for returning to work, and wellness. This equals reduced absenteeism and enhanced work performance.

Lower Benefit Costs

Employees that are healthy and productive tend not to require frequent use of benefits programs. In a time where benefits are a costly expense, reducing their usage in turn decreases the amount that carrying such programs can cost. In short, this means lower benefit costs for your organization.

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